Repairs are handled on a case by case basis - tenants contact us if repairs are needed, We assess the request - for instance, AC/Heat not working, lights flickering, appliance (refrigerator-stove-dishwasher) not working, toilet running, drains running slow or stoppages - We try to reach the owner to advise that a call was received - but in most cases will dispatch a repairman to repair - if the repair will be more than $250, we will try again to reach the owner before authorizing the repair - We are experienced and proficient in analyzing the urgency in need for the repair, and work to make the best decision for the owner's pocketbook along with the need to comply with the Landlord responsibilities in the Texas Property Code. If the repair is caused by something the tenant did (putting foreign object into disposal, or flushing something that caused stoppage or overflow) we will advise tenant that they are responsible for the repair cost - many times (via Landlord register), the repair is paid - then added to the tenant register where we collect reimbursement from the tenant.
As repairs are done, the owner is billed and will be deducted from the reserve balance or following month's rent paid by tenant - if there is a major repair (over $250) we will make sure to discuss this with the owner as soon as possible and as stated, will make every effort to reach the owner prior to authorizing the repair. Note that we have repair vendors who work for us on a regular basis and are proven to give discounts and fair prices. These vendors are reliable and also prioritize our properties.
Typical Property management agreements are 2 years (24 months), this is a Texas Real Estate Form and provides clauses for cancellation by either side - a blank Property Management Agreement can be provided for your review upon request.
We do ask that you allow us to hold $300 in escrow reserve on your Owner register for small repairs that may come up. We have an online database where you can log in and see the owner register and charges and credits. Copies of all paid invoices are also available to Owners.
Tenants are strongly encouraged to pay rent online via the Tenant Rent Portal - but we still have some tenants that prefer to pay by check or cash. Rents are credited immediately upon payment.
Owners are paid on or about the 10th of each month - this will be an electronic deposit to your bank account - you will also have access to a Monthly Owner Statement via online Owners Portal showing the transactions for each property. In the month of January each year Owners receive a 1099 to for their tax information - this is accompanied by a full Profit & Loss Statement for the entire year showing all income and expenses for the property(s).
If there is ever an instance where the tenant does not pay, or for any other reason needs to be evicted, we are your representative in the process and will file the court required action and attend the court proceedings as needed on Owner’s behalf.